Saturday, March 20, 2010

Went to the wet market today. Bought Prawns and Squid for the Seafood platter. See a lot of fish there. Eat Seafood platter lunch with Mustard Sauce.

Boring right? That is what best describe my life as of current. While the rest of the population cherishes their holidays, I actually despise it, other than my Metal Gear Solid perfectionist game, I got virtually nothing to do save for Guitar and Golf, GG, I know. The inability to have a readily available car also gives me a lot of troubles. Due to the fact that there are two untouchables (the 2 Mercedes) in my house, the rest of the three is seldom available in the times of needs. My sister drives one (to go out with her boyfriend), My mom's only available after 6pm when she comes back for work and my Dad, always busy with stuff.

On the plus side, even though I have nothing to do in this very township, I am quite proud of my "family" Standing at 12 hamsters, I did not expect that I will get this far with my hamsters. I love them, how could something so cute survives in the wild. I think I ought to upload some photos when they grow up a little. Anyway, the original father proves to be a loving parent after I separate the three new born from their mother. In any case, they seems to bond well with the rest, no psychological problems or anything like that that had reduce the previous batch from 8 to 2, I gave away 2 and three died of infighting. This is natural selection I guess. With the original mother with 2 more labours, I guess I need to trade in or give out the rest.

Anyway, Guitar have been sucky and golf is still not there yet. Still got 4 more months to labor before I go to Uni. Thank goodness that I have so much time left.

Yet, the wait for ANU is plain frustrating, too popular I guess. Worst comes to worst, University of Sydney for me.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Surprising that how the mighty has fallen that low in 2 years time. Sometimes, I lost my way, but to regain them will be tough. My world view gradually become pessimistic, is it time for me to rise again? I have the capability but is lost at the moment. I think my problem started from being the total isolationist nutjob that is plaging me so far.

Anyway, it is just some thoughts.